In English

A Trader is born

Summer 2008

Anita has the last 19 years worked with transmissions and supplies to the Norwegian industry, and has during this year’s build up top experience and knowledge to the marked.

It has been exciting, instructive and inspiring years, where she trough meeting, visits and dialogues, has obtain very wide experience with the marked and insight in the company’s management and their product needs.
In employments as product and purchase manager, here time was divided between customer’s needs, product quality, prices and not least the logistic from suppliers plants, delivery capability and punctuality.

Anita Sjøstrøm
Anita with a 10 meter long Power-Bend.

She contains today know-how and direct contacts with producers , plants and distributors in Europe and China.

With all this experience Anita has found the time to be ready, to stand on her own two feet with Transmita AS. 892694192

Anita use all here experience and energy to serve here good customers and business connections, and look forward to establish new customer relationships.